Stop The Excuses and Open the Gate of Happiness The 8 steps to life with Joy
Retreat Objectives
Finding Your Path of Joy: Sound your soul’s note of joy and believe you can grow through joy.
Changing Negatives into Positives: Learn to trust that everything happens for a higher good. Recognize what you are learning in each situation and decide to learn the same lessons through joy rather than through struggle
The Art of Self-Love: Joy comes from doing those things that love and honor your deepest self. Increase your ability to do things that are loving to you
Self-Worth and Self-Esteem: Become your own authority and believe in your inner wisdom. Learn to validate your feelings, thoughts, and intuition
Power–Refining Your Ego: Awaken your true power by linking your heart and head centers. Joy is an attitude that lets in more light
Knowing Your Heart’s Wisdom: Experience a new level of compassion and wisdom
Opening to Receive: Believe you can have more than you ever thought possible. Prepare to receive everything that is for your higher good, releasing easily anything that is not
Appreciation and Gratitude: Joy and abundance come from living in gratitude. As you appreciate what you have, you calm your emotions and call more abundance, joy, peace, and love to you